Hotline:+84 333 272721


BACH PHONG SEAFOOD – A Vietnam leaded in processing and export of Tuna products.

We realized that conduct our business involving stakeholders, communities welfare, and environmental. To maintain our sustainable business growth we manage through.







We define importance priorities and influence to our sustainability of each stakeholder. Company’s sustainability related with stakeholders are as follows:


We place an importance on protection of individual dignity, rights and liberty through our all business operation.

Labor is important to us as we treat them well.

We respect and protect labor rights according to international standard as a part of our corporate social responsibility and ethical practice.

  • No child labor or forced labor.
  • No preferential treatment.
  • No physical or mental punishment.
  • Provide work safety and fundamental benefits.
  • Appropriate work hours and compensation.

We comply with TLS 8001 standard which is management system of labor rights protection and achieve the requirements of Thai Corporate Social Responsibility as certified by Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour.


We set up the policies which emphasis on environment and society to preserve the ecosystem in the community.

Control energy consumption and material usage in all the working process. Including, having effective waste management system to reduce the impact to environment e.g. electricity from bio gas system in waste water treatment process, replace fluorescent light with LED light.

Regarding refrigerants for freezing product, the company uses only R717 which has no CFC. The refrigerants are environmental friendly and do not destroy ozone.

Set working group of environmental governance participating “Environmental governance in industrial enterprises” following the guidelines set by the Ministry of Industry to carry out activities that are environmentally friendly, prevent, reduce pollution that may affect with community environment and also live together as happily and sustainably between the company and communities e.g. mangrove plantation.

Fishery Improvment Project by Vinatuna and WWWF

BACH PHONG SEAFOOD as domestic processors have made a commitment to support Vina Tuna and doing FIP traceability code which recognized as beging able to provide FIP eligible products to an appropriate FIP Partner/Participant company.

FIP are pre-assessment, a number of MSC performance indicators (PIs) were scored such that the fishery would likely either fail under an MSC full assessment (score less than 60) or pass with conditions (score between 60 and 80).

These include the lack of a robust harvest strategy, lack of harvest control rules and tools, lack of data on species interactions in the fishery including shark interactions, insufficient measures for bycatch mitigation, limited understanding of ecosystem impacts from the fishery, and lack of stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes.